Monday, 7 January 2008

Real and imagined narratives: Sophie Calle

Real and imagined narratives: Sophie Calle
Linking to ideas around imaginary and real narratives that I want to start exploring when developing print designs inspired by objects or collections…
“ Sophie Calle’s works are concerned with representing absence. Since the late 1970’s she has been using found objects that she has collected, plus photograph, films and texts of her own, to preserve traces of what is disappearing or already past. These reconstituted memories sometimes tell stories from her own life…” (Gabner 1998: 96)
“…Remaining unclear throughout this poetic search for what is disappearing or has already disappeared is wheter the past ever existed, or whetere the search for traces is is merely the pursuit of an illusion which only takes form in the reconstruction of a fictional past. These documents lead us into a specific corridor of memory, where objectiviy, and subjectivity, reality and fiction intertwine.” (Gabner 1998: 96)

Gabner, H. 1998. ‘Sophie Calle’. In: Schaffner, I. And Winzen, M. [eds]. Deep Storage Collecting and Archiving in Art. Prestel Munich and New York.

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