Friday, 2 November 2007


I have been going back over my sketchbook and thinking about the signifance of the drawings I did in Helston Folk Museum, thinking about the way we percieve objects in collections. 'In galleries (or museums), objects are frozen in time and are abstracted from their stories...'. It seems that how we read them depends on what we're told (e.g. labels) and where we see or find them, for example in a museum or in a charity shop, in a cupboard or on a mantle piece. 'for all their materiality, objects are slippery; their meanings change according to the circumstances we encounter them in...'
quotes from: Sharrad, P., 2004. Following the Map: A Postcolonial Unpacking of a Kashmir Shawl. In: Textile vol.2, p 64-79.

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