Wednesday 9 April 2008

On mementos, memories and the everyday…

…Georges Perec…
On mementos, memories and the everyday…
“…elements that form part of the texture of everyday life and that it may well be you didn’t notice…when you used to give your metro ticket to the ticket puncher so he could make a hole in it. No one paid any attention! But if you put it into a book, it forms a part of a memory.” (Perec 1999: 127)

On the objects on his worktable: things that document a fragment of a life…
“ There are lots of objects on my work-table. The oldest no doubt is my pen; the most recent is a small round ashtray that I bought last week.” (Perec 1999: 127)
“ Its several years now since I contemplated writing the history of some of the objects that are on my work-table…” (Perec 1999: 147)
“…thus a certain history of my tastes (their permanence, their evolution, their phases) will come to be inscribed…” (Perec 1999: 127)
Perec, G. 1999 (first pblished 1974). [trans. Sturrock, J.]. Species of Spaces and other Pieces. Penguin.

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